Members at the Shambhala Center have opportunities to practice leadership, support the teachings and fellow practitioners, and deepen their own connection to the community through volunteering. We are able to offer programs and services because of the generosity of our members.
We wish to give all the members and friends of the sangha the opportunity to deepen their practice through joyful exertion and discipline, and we offer a way to respond to our Sakyong’s request – to “embody basic goodness” and to bravely and generously “manifest no retirement”.
How Can I Help?
With this simple question, we increase our potential to enrich the world, and ultimately to find our own joy. Using discipline to generate compassion, we leap beyond the fickleness of mood into the confidence of delight in helping others.
The Shambhala Center relies on the volunteer efforts of many who share in the tasks and responsibilities of sustaining it.
We are asking each of our members and friends to engage in at least 20 hours of service work to the sangha a year.
A great way to start your service. Throughout the year there will be opportunities for umdze training, staff and coordinator training for Shambhala Weekends, Shambhala Guide training,
- Start with hosting a Tuesday night program or an Open House– open the center, set out some tea and some refreshments. Be a welcoming face to our guests!
- Staff a Shambhala Training Level – staff can volunteer a night, a day, or the whole weekend (Requirements: complete Level III and you can staff levels 1-3)
- Coordinate a Shambhala Weekend- (requirements – staff at least two levels and complete Coordinator Training)
- Coordinate a Sacred Path Level
- Coordinate or Staff a Way of Shambhala Weekly class
- Be on call for special events and surprise visits!
- Be an umdze and/or a meditation instructor for our public sittings on Wednesday and Sunday
- Be a Shrine Keeper
- Help to staff our annual community-building events: ie Shambhala Day in Feb/Mar.
Shrineroom Staffing & Training (Umdze and Gatekeeper)
Become more involved in Center activities by learning to staff as an umdze (meditation time keeper) or a gatekeeper. The umzde is a model for other practitioners in the shrine hall, providing an example of good posture and alert shamatha practice. The hands-on training include procedures on opening and closing the shrine, using the gong and leading the chants.
A gatekeeper is the front desk position who welcomes visitors to the Center with warmth and upliftedness. Gatekeeping is an awareness practice in action.
Contact Sally King
Program Coordinator
Most of the programs presented at the Shambhala Center require a coordinator. The coordinator works with the teacher/director to create the container and set the tone for the program. The coordinator gathers and leads a staff of volunteers to bring the program to fruition. Training is given to program coordinator volunteers.
Contact Sue Di Pietro
Program Staff
Program staff volunteers help set-up the center and prepare the environment; they provide shrine room staffing, hospitality to participants, tea and reception set-up, program registration and greeting, and clean-up. The program staff is directed by the program coordinator.
Contact Sue Di Pietro
Kitchen Organizer
Many people use our kitchen. The volume of activity in the kitchen necessitates some concerted attention to help organize and maintain a space that is easy for everyone to use.
Contact Sue Di Pietro
Help! I want to do something, but I don’t know what to do.
Contact the coordinators, Sally King, or William Federico if you want to help but don’t know where to start. They can point you in the right direction and get you started or restarted!
‘One of the great things about offering and generosity is that once we begin doing it, we begin to enjoy it. We need to actually give from the heart and mind in a delightful way.’
– Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
‘We are all here on earth to see what we can offer, as opposed to what we can take. A life based upon what we can take leads to promoting a society where the only barometer of success is materialism. Mindfulness leads to an attitude of wanting to serve the world, rather than expecting to be served. Only through the development of mindfulness—which leads to virtues like kindness and generosity—will we become truly peaceful.’
– Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche